Work has been way sucky. I think it's because I'm just ready to be done with this place and move to the next one. Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself. But! I found a place for us to live, yay.

AND it has a full size washer and dryer included. AND it's ginormous. I'm not kidding. 1500 square feet is HUGE (for us). 3 bed, 2.5 bath. It's a freaking mansion! But it will be good. Very good.

ANYWAY. Okay, so the real point of this blog?

Oh you already know why I'm blogging...

You're just here for the pictures. Admit it! You just want to see pictures! It's okay, I forgive you. I would only be reading this blog to see the pictures too.

And so. I present to you, the long awaited FINAL DRESS FITTING pictures!!!!!! (The dress is now safely in my closet at home. I will be moving that myself, no movers will be touching it. Nope nope nope.)

This is my entire outfit for the day, down to all of the jewelry.

80 more days. Only 80 more days until I get to wear this dress for the real deal, guys. Eep!