I feel so behind on everything! I'll have to go through and catch up on the blogs I missed this evening, once I've got a beer in my hand and I'm not at work any more. Work is stupid today - we moved out into the building (the unfinished part) and will be here until I move in a few weeks (my co-workers will continue to be here after that, but I obviously won't be). It stinks because they've tested the fire alarm at least 5 times today, and there's beeping and welding and sawing and all kinds of noise going on. Yes, I could put in ear plugs, but ear plugs are lame.

BUT the reason behind the blog post.

I just got back from a visit! (which means I'm way tired, which is probably partly why work is stoopid ) It was a wonderful visit. He got to meet Grandpa & Carol! We played on the lake, got a little sun, napped, read, went swimming. Nothing major happened. We had some good talks about the wedding & honeymoon. Nothing major, as pretty much everything has been decided, but it was good to talk about the details. Like, what we're going to give our siblings and parents as thank you gifts, that kind of stuff. It's all in the details now...

I made another payment to the caterer, yay. (Only one left after this one) And transferred some money around to pay more towards Disney. I called the new property manager and sent in my application fee, since apparently they were waiting on that... (THANKS for letting me know, guys.....)

And I booked a hotel room for Nix's friend's wedding in September, yay! And I've already bought my plane ticket from the itty bitty airport to him, so that's all taken care of. OH AND I'll be getting my hurrrrrr did that morning - as a trial run for the wedding! Eep!!! And then we'll be picking up our marriage license, and getting my ring cleaned (because um, duh, why wouldn't I?). I think we're going to try and stop by the reception venue too and take a look to see how we can put up the paper lanterns we want to hang over the dance floor. I already have an idea but I want to make sure it's possible without destroying anything (the ceiling, mostly). Thank goodness that's only 31 days from today.

We were hanging out in the airport yesterday (crap, that was only yesterday??? it feels like forever ago) and talking about all of this stuff. I realized that we'll be seeing each other 32 days after that visit, and then after the visit in September (which is in 31 days) it will be about 20 days until he MOVES to me. Thank goodness. Which means... holy crap, guys. 53 days until we close the distance. 53 freaking days. When did that happen?! I'm totally okay with this realization, but it's just ALL OF A SUDDEN IT'S BASICALLY HERE. That's exciting. I can't get too excited about it yet, though, I still have so much to do before then... like moving myself.

Moving won't be completely awful, but I need to clean everything. I need to get rid of some stuff that I haven't used since I've been here (like my stereo.... and some clothes...). That will be a project for this week - collecting the things to get rid of and I'll be donating them to Goodwill this weekend. It will be good to get rid of stuff I don't use any more. Gotta make room for the almost-husband, I guess...

I sent out our invitations a week ago today. A friend of mine texted me and said, "Did you send me a wedding invitation with a return address of XXXX?" "Yep! Why?" "I just got the envelope." "Wait... no invitation? Just the envelope?" "Yea..." *cue meltdown face* I texted him the details and let him know everything and he said he'd have to check with work, but he'd let me know before our RSVP date. Perfect. THEN I get a text from Nix's dad....... "We've received several pieces of invitations, and J's arrived, looking like it had been run over by a truck." *cue meltdown* Luckily Nix helped me out and calmed me down before I completely melted down - he reminded me that I've heard from a BUNCH of people that they got their invitations 100% okay, so, hopefully those were just flukes. Keeping my fingers crossed no one else has the lost invite problem...

So many noodles! Anyway. It's taken me pretty much all day to write this because work has been dumb and hasn't been letting me stalk LFAD much (lame!). I can't think of anything else that needs to be told today.

Hope all is well with y'all. I've missed you, LFAD. But, it was an EXCELLENT visit and wasn't on a computer at all from Wednesday afternoon - this morning, so that was amazing.