I'm just going to spew thoughts as I think of them, aka back-to-basics train-of-thought noodles.

I moved to Maryland yesterday. Most of my junk is still in boxes. There's not enough storage in the kitchen. The idea I had in my head for the layout of the living room won't work if we want the chaise to be part of the couch. The internet took three freaking calls to Comcast to get it sorted out, but, now we're good to go. I have no idea where the remotes are for the TV/DVD player/Roku, so.... now I'm watching the "extras" for Tangled. The cats' babysitter, er.... pet sitter..... will be here tomorrow afternoon to meet them (and me, I guess, lol) and then she'll be back this weekend to do a "trial run" with them before we go to Indiana.

Nix moves here in 28 days. WHAT!? YAY. We get married in 42 days. HOLY CRAP. The honeymoon is 100% paid for, AWESOME and now I've entered a bidding war on ebay for a Mickey Mouse hat so I can rip the ears off and sew them onto a hat. Yes. I'm going to deface a Mickey Mouse hat for a project. BUT IT'S A REALLY COOL PROJECT. And it's wedding related. (naturally) Nix doesn't like (neither do I) the current "groom's ears" that WDW sells. So, naturally, I'm going to make my own and imitate the "old" version of the hat. It's a top hat with ears. My mom found an awesome top hat for $5 at a costume store near her, so she's going to send it to me. Yay!

I should eat dinner. But what's for dinner? Ummm.... I can have cereal, but I don't have any utensils. Well, sure, I do, but, they're in a box somewhere. Or, I could eat pizza rolls. I had them for lunch.... but.... they're so darn tasty, I don't really care! Chances are I'll be back at WalMart again tomorrow so I can buy new stove pans (the ones here are kind of grody looking) and real groceries. Today I bought the basics (milk, cereal, trash can, trash bags, paper towels, and a SWEET new shower rod - it's one of the curved ones so we have extra room in our shower). OH THAT'S RIGHT ALL THIS STUFF IS GOING TO BE OURS SOON.

That last part? That's the best thing ever. That part about all this crap is going to be OUR CRAP. Not just my crap. OUR CRAP. OUR bathroom. OUR kitchen. OUR bedroom. OUR couch. OUR boxes (because let's be honest, some of these boxes will still be here in 28 days when he moves in). Guys. We're closing the distance. We're getting married.

And, oh yea. Ready for this best part? I'm not going to tell anyone outside of family (you guys are family) this time. Remember that dream job I was going on and on about for like, 4 months? And how they scratched it? WELL GUESS WHAT. You got it. I got an email yesterday from their job posting notification email list from HR. Well. It's open again. So I just sent the lady I had been talking to there an email.... and let her know I got this email, and basically asked if the position had changed at all because when we talked last she had said that the department wasn't going to pursue the job anymore. And that I'm still interested.

But I'm over here, sitting in my empty apartment (because I got the email before the moving truck got here) and bawling because I had been here for less than two hours when I got this email. And I'm all just WTH IS GOING ON WHAT IS THIS AND WHY NOW?! I'm putting my faith where it needs to go. I'm letting go of this one - yes, I'll apply, and if they want me, sure. I'll go. Part of me feels like this was God's way of making sure I'm (or rather, we're) listening to Him. I know most of you probably think I'm nuts, but, oh well. Nix agreed with me when I mentioned my thoughts to him. Anyway. That's about all I've got.

Oh, one last thing. I'm extremely sad right now though. Why, you ask? Because I have an unopened bottle of wine in my fridge.... and I have no idea where my corkscrew is. Life is hard.