I have coffee, and I'm blogging. Hence my super awesome title.

Work has been insane, and I've been enjoying my last few days of "me time", so hence the minimal bloggage. I'm enjoying my new job, and the new place. I will be relieved when all of my stuff is finally out of boxes and the new bedroom furniture arrives.... and, oh yea.

Nix moves in on SATURDAY. Yes. THIS SATURDAY. As in 3, yep, count'em, THREE days.


I'm excited - and slightly terrified. Mostly excited, though.

Our bedroom furniture will be getting delivered on the 15th! Then we have to put it all together....... our own fault for picking IKEA. BUT, we spent about the same for our ENTIRE bedroom - king size bed frame, mattress, slatted bed base (because with this frame we don't need a box spring), drawers to go under the bed for storage, 2 dressers, 2 nightstands, 4 lamps (2 table and 2 floor), a new set of sheets, and a few miscellaneous items (for our kitchen) for about the same price as the one bed frame we were looking at from Crate & Barrel (because I know you want the link to it, click here). So. Yea. Maybe one day we'll invest in this really sweet bed, but, that day is not today. But I love it, so much. It's probably unnatural how much I love that bed. This is the bed we ended up with - but, king size. Weird, the IKEA website isn't listing the king size anymore.... hmm. Oh well!

Wait, no. That's not the bed frame we got. We got the MALM, but they just changed the design.... Ahhh!!! THIS is the frame, but there are drawers for underneath the bed that are/were designed for storage. None of this lifting the bed crap.... That's weird. I don't know how I feel about IKEA changing their stuff so much. I guess as long as I can keep buying the covers for my couch and chairs, and the the parts to my bookcases, then we're fine. The second they change those, though... then we've got a problem. Luckily the bookcase system seems to be pretty popular, so hopefully they won't go changing it on us. The chairs and couch, though..... that's iffy.

Our next furniture purchase - if they'll fit into our living room, and that's a big "if" - will be our "Carl & Ellie" chairs. Like from the movie Up!. (These chairs, if you don't know what I'm talking about.) But, obviously very... "us". I want a purple wingback chair. I have yet to find one... Requirements for this chair include: I have to be able to sink into it with a good book. The "wings" can't be so deep I'm completely lost, but deep enough that if I lean back I can lose myself in a book. It needs to be wide enough so I can curl my legs up under/next to me if I want. The back has to be higher than the top of my head, but not a ridiculous amount more.

I know, I'm kind of picky. What may end up happening is I'll have to find a wingback chair I love, and then recover it (or get it recovered) with the fabric I want. You might think it's odd I have a specific color in mind... but, I really want a purple couch. Nix is flat out against having a purple couch. So, this is our compromise. Since my Ellie chair is specifically "my" chair, it gets to be whatever I want. Same goes for his Carl chair. I'm allowed to be picky about some things, right?

What else? Oh, I know. I was in ATL last week for work, and was talking to one of my co-workers (and forgot she had just gotten promoted to manager) about this whole living and moving and getting married situation. I mentioned to her that I want to go back into an office after this project - or at least not move cities anymore. She totally understood, and is on board with my plan to move back to an office. Right now Dallas is looking like our best option, plus, no state income tax!!! Even though it's always freaking hot there... it probably has the most options for him as far as career opportunities go. We'll see what happens.

Oh yea. And I re-applied for the "dream" job at the university... who knows. It definitely would be a significant pay cut, however... it would be in Indiana and be an awesome opportunity and all that stuff. So it's kind of a toss-up what will happen. However, the project I'm on now, I'll be here for probably 2 years, so that at least will be a nice change of pace.

Um, I think that's about it. OH. Yea, I should mention this. I'm not going to be logging into LFAD starting the 26th through about the 5th of November. I've got a honeymoon to go on, after all. Don't worry, though, when I come back I'll blog and spam you with pictures. I promise.