It's great. It really is. (Caution: Extreme noodles ahead.)

No, there is no "but" to that statement. Married life is great. I'm happy to say that I'm not suffering from baby fever, which honestly is a relief. People were asking wedding day morning when we are planning on having kids. Srsly? I mean, srsly??? Don't get me wrong, I'm stoke to have my own spawn, but... WE'RE NOT EVEN MARRIED YET. Sheesh. Well, okay, now we are, but then, that's what I was thinking. It's almost a "thank goodness we moved to a new place" because we're getting to know people and they know we're married, yay, but haven't asked the "when are you having babies" questions yet. (big sigh of relief)

Um, sorry, we just got a PS4 and a new-to-us vacuum. That's enough excitement for a while.


I started this blog on the 19th. That's how far I've gotten... Annd... now I guess I'll work on it again since I've gotten sick of cleaning and I need a break before I wake the hubs up. He was at work from 11pm-6:30 am last night, restocking and what-not after Black Friday. Speaking of! We did a little shopping, not much, but our most exciting purchase was at Macy's: king size pillows and new sheets (700-thread count, sateen cotton - woohoo). The sheets were originally like $185, and the pillows were $50 each. Bleh! I don't know why anyone would ever spend that kind of money on stuff like that. We spent $110 on all of it. Wooo!! That was our best deal of the day.

We set the tree up yesterday morning too, and the cats have been going bananas over it. The little stinkers. They've messed the tree skirt up so many times already.... it's going to be a long season, ha.

At some point I need to go shopping without him, to get his presents. I managed to talk to his boss when I dropped off food for him on Thanksgiving, he told me to call the store sometime and remind him of the days I want Nix to have off so I can surprise him with the weekend to DC. Now I just need to find us a hotel, and then worry later about packing, since it's not until the end of the month. I still haven't decided how I'm going to tell him. Packing for him just seems like too much work, haha, mostly because I know he wouldn't be happy with what I pick out, and I'm sure I'd forget something. So, maybe what I'll do is get home from work, and change and stuff, and say, "Okay, you've got 20 minutes, pack a back for the weekend. You'll need warm clothes and one nice-ish outfit." Yea, I think that could work. It's not like he ever needs long to pack anyway, haha. I'll have packed my stuff the week before, I think, while he's at work (if he's ever out of the house while I'm home...) so he's not too suspicious. All I'll have to do is put my bag in the car that morning when I leave for work, and he won't realize what's going on. Yea, I think I like that plan.

I'm really excited because we saw something about DC recently and he was all, "we need to go..." and got a little mopey because he's never been. If only he knew.

Anyway. I think I'm going to go wipe down the counters and then go wake him up. I don't want him to sleep ALLLLL day, I want to play LEGO Marvel (video game) and don't want to play without him, ha! And I'm starting to get hungry for lunch.

Okay, I think I'm actually going to post this blog now. And go clean up the flour mess from yesterday... oops.