Because I can't not post a bunch of pictures... Here are some of my favorites!

PS Sorry I'm not sorry for taking up some of your blog feed with pictures.

BACON at our wedding. Best decision ever.

Caution: if you are drinking anything, you may want to put it down. Finish the sip, then look at the next picture. I'm not kidding.

I'll even give you a little space so you can put down your drink, or close your door, if you're at work.

Moon, if you're looking at these, I'm sorry, because I know you're not allowed to have fun at work. So, you may want to pause and take a deep breath before continuing.

I look absolutely RIDICULOUS and it's amazing. When we saw this one, I almost fell off the couch I was laughing so hard.

I'm still laughing. I think I have a new profile picture.