So the weekend surprise was a HUGE success, hooray! He had suspicions because I was acting "weird", whoops! But, he had no idea where we were going until I told him (about an hour into the drive). He was "so sure" we were going to Baltimore.... funny man.

Anyway. It was a great weekend, and he loved the concert. We learned that we're terrible museum people, though... or maybe we're great museum people? Anyway, we saw all the monuments Saturday morning before the concert, then in the afternoon we went to the American History museum. Well, the museums close at 5:30... so we only got through like, 2 1/2 exhibits. The American History museum is like, 3 floors. With probably 6 exhibits/floor. (I'm sure I could google it and know for sure, but, that's not really the point here.) We went to a really delicious grill for dinner, and then walked around a little bit more and saw the White House "up close" (aka through the fence). He loved it. We called it an "early night" and went back to the hotel around 9.

Yesterday we got up, ate a huge breakfast (yay free breakfast at the hotel!) and checked out of the hotel. We headed into the city and parked the car, we got into the city at 9am. And it was raining. And the museums don't open until 10. So we found a Starbucks, and it took us like 40 minutes to walk there (it said it should have only taken 20) because we had to keep seeking shelter since we stupidly forgot the umbrella in the car. Oh well! It made it more adventurous, lol. Then we finally got to the National Air & Space Museum. We said, "oh, we'll do that in the morning and then around noon we'll head over to the Natural History Museum." The next time we looked at our watches it was 12:30 and we hadn't finished the first level of the Air & Space. So we gave in... grabbed a quick lunch (pizza, tea, bagels we stole from breakfast, and cookies I brought), then headed back into the A&S again. And stayed there until 3, which was when we decided we had to leave.

And we STILL didn't see everything!!!! So we've decided we need to take a long weekend back to DC, and do nothing but museums. And in 2 1/2 days, maybe we'll be able to get 2 museums in. Maybe.

Anyway! Pictures!

The view from the hotel:

Look how excited he is, lol!

A mom was telling her kid "These are Apollo Ono's! He's a figure skater." I was like .

This is THE Wright flyer!!!

We touched a moon rock!

Even though I've been here before, I was still all .