I feel much more at home amongst these blogs than I do on the forums, hence why I'm posting this here!

It's just about six months since I made it official with my totally awesome close-distance boyfriend Tom! And I have come to realise over the last few months that I definitely, certainly, absolutely have fallen in love with him This relationship feels so much more "grown up" than any of my last ones and there's no lingering feelings of doubt like some of you may remember me having in my last forays into the world of dating. Tom is just so cool and treats me like an equal - instead of putting me on a pedestal or treating me like dirt... which seems to be how it goes with my exes, ugh!

So onto the topic of this blog post... I am so in love, and from the look in his eyes and the hints I get, I'm certain he feels the same way about me. BUT! We haven't said it. I've never waited before, but this time I've been taking it slow, but the last few weeks it's been ready to burst out of my lips! I want to make it a little special though, you know? So my question is...

How have you first said "I love you" to your partners?

Tell me stories!