I love to torture myself....why is it that it's so easy to complain and whine about how tired I am, but so hard to make myself go to bed at a decent hour? That "wall" hit me about an hour ago, and I could have gone to sleep right then, but here I am, still awake, and not nearly as sleepy as I was. I do this all the time....And I still have to get up early in the morning to shower before work. Le sigh. I should make this quick and force myself to shut down the computer. I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow if I don't. XD

My friend Emma got married on Friday. It was pretty cool, actually--obviously I'd known they were engaged for a while, but it didn't really sink in until they were exchanging vows. I admit I teared up a bit--of course I did, it was a wonderful event. And I'm so very happy for her. Just a year ago she was pretty much sworn off of guys because that was how she protected herself from feeling bad about herself. She said, more than once, that she was like a guy-repellent, because at a dance last February her sister and I got asked to dance as soon as she walked away, and whenever we stayed with her, no one approached. I chalked it up to me personally making sure to look as engaged in conversation with her as possible, and trying to send off signals that I didn't want to dance with anyone (I didn't; I only went because of peer pressure and I didn't have fun at all =P), but she took it really personally. And she was totally in love with this guy she knew, but he was off breaking other girls' hearts and she ended up pretty hurt and bitter about it.

So, to see her so happy, especially with someone as awesome as her husband is, made ME happy. And all the time I spent with her family and with her then-fiance leading up to the wedding itself was fantastic, because I feel so much more connected to them than I did before. It kinda reminded me why I'm friends with Emma in the first place. We'd kinda been drifting because of life and various things.

But yeah, Sebastian (her husband) is pretty cool. I know I like him a lot--I feel like he fits right in with all of us. Hopefully they have the determination and willingness to make this relationship work happily.

I was busy today, despite my exhaustion (reminding me I need to go to bed, yikes)....I got an application turned in at McDonald's (I just can't stay away, can I?), but this time it's just going to be...well...probably part-time. I don't think I'll be able to work two 8-hour shifts in a day, for example. I mean, the time's there, obviously, but my stamina isn't. But my McDonald's schedule should supplement my Walmart hours. I have a few random 4-hour shifts every so often at Walmart, so those days'll be ideal to work a longer one at McDonald's. Etc, etc. I talked to the store manager and she was all excited to hire me back. My voice is still in the drive-thru auto-greeter. XD

The second thing I did today on my own time was purchase a car. I am thinking it wasn't the best purchase ever, but I hardly think it was the worst, either. There are a few things that I'll need to fix before I can take the car long-distance, but I should have the funds for that well before July 2nd, so I should be able to take myself and my brother to Bushnell for Cornerstone. I'd have them on Thursday, but I started work at Walmart right at the end of a pay period so my first check is going to be about $75 or so. That's gonna cover some phone service and probably license plates and maybe gas. If I'm just driving to work and back, the gas should last me a while.

Anyway, rambly-ambly. My car smells bad, looks crappy, and has a few biggish things wrong with it (nothing AWFUL, as far as I can tell, just unsafe over distances), but the a/c works, the radio works, and the rearview mirror should be reattached within the week, and it DRIVES, and it's MINE, and therefore I love it already and am kind of hurt that my sister keeps going on about how it STINKS and she's NEVER riding in it EVER and thinks if she bought it off me she should only have to pay $50 (I can junk it for more than that, sheesh), and acting like it's a personal affront to HER that the car isn't up to her standards (dude, it's my car, not yours).... I mean, she's 15, and pretty moody (or, as my dad would say, PPMS--Perpetual PMSing), so it's not like she's aiming to hurt my feelings...and she's right, the car does smell (not THAT bad, but then again, maybe her nose is more sensitive)...but still...it's my CAR. It's my BABY. >.>

All right, I think...yeah, I think that's all.