Heh, last night's blog post sucked because MOST of that was typed on my computer, and then my internet connection was severed and I had to continue on my Kindle. While it's nice that I CAN do that, my Kindle is a total pain when it comes to typing up anything substantial, so I couldn't really revise anything I wrote, or expound upon it, or anything. And I didn't feel like starting from scratch. XD

I've heard that "sore" is the best kind of pain. I disagree in some cases--it really depends on why you're sore. But since this was referring to the soreness you get after working out and pushing yourself a little further, I do like the saying. I thought I wasn't going to be able to walk today, after yesterday's workout, but I guess I need to give my legs a little more credit. They're sore and a bit stiff, to be sure, but they're doing well. I guess that's the one part of my body I never let get ENTIRELY out of shape, since I do like walking. XD

I have had a little bit of discomfort (relatively speaking) related to the workout, though. Before, when I'd use this workout DVD, I couldn't really do any planks or pushups. My wrist would hurt, or my arms would give out after 2 seconds. I dunno if my arms are a bit stronger, or maybe I've lost a tiny bit of weight, but I was able to do a lot more with my upper body than ever before. And as a consequence, the muscles across my upper back and around my neck and shoulders are really sore. The discomfort, I think, is because the stiffness in my muscles is kinda pulling my back out of place. That's what it feels like, anyway. I spent half of my day at work stretching those muscles out. XD

But I love the feeling of knowing that this is a good pain. I feel kinda silly because I've worked out before, and I've never NOT enjoyed it, but every time I do it I get all giddy about how I feel and I want to run around bragging to everyone about how I worked out and I'm stiff and sore and isn't it wonderful?

I'm glad I chose the Weight Loss Yoga DVD, too. I did it for a reason, but I wasn't entirely sure it'd work. I'm glad I was right, though. I'd been having knee pain from standing all day at work, and it was frustrating to me how little I could do anymore, including exercise, but I did a bunch of research and I found that one of the things I was doing wrong was letting my weight fall inward on my legs. Letting my arches roll downward, letting all the strain go onto the inside of my knee. And it does take some strengthening of the muscles around the knee to make standing the RIGHT way easier, along with consciously retraining myself to default to a correct standing position.

So, the point about the DVD is that I did it so much before that I know all the muscles it focuses on, and it really really works the ones I need to strengthen to help lessen my knee pain. My knee pain is already much less of a problem from knowing how I should be standing and adjusting accordingly, and I had very little issues today after my workout yesterday.

Other stuff:

I did hear back from Eebs' sister this morning. She's in Spain on a mission trip, and they're getting prepared, so I'm not sure how much time she has. So I was actually pretty excited that she took the time to write me back. And on her phone, too. She was kind of taking it for granted that I know Eebs from some in-person thing, like youth group or school or something, and that we just happened to never cross paths, so that made me kinda nervous. She was really nice, said she'd add me on Facebook and would make sure Eebs introduces us someday when she's stateside again. I can never tell if someone's a "nonbeliever" (as a friend put it) when it comes to friendships formed via the internet. So then having to tell her that I haven't actually met Eebs in person and that I live in another state and we met online makes me anxious, I guess. I'm really hoping that she won't really be bothered by it, but you just never know. Based on all the knowledge I have of her, I would guess that it's not gonna be an issue, so I'm not as worried as I would otherwise be, but still. XD She seems like a fantastic person, and I really want to get to know her, and I don't want this to be messed up because of something I have no control over. XD

Uhh...Slytherin won the first Pottermore House Cup!!! I was so excited. I was under the impression that all members of the winning house would get something special, or extra, but whatever it is, I don't know of it yet. XD Oh, I guess it'll be announced on the Pottermore Insider tomorrow. Sweet!

I love it when my mind goes blank. Oh, I guess I was gonna say a bit about my mission...I still have a bunch of paperwork to do, but I'm getting on it. Taking Temple Prep classes, too, which excites me to no end.

And, uh...gee...I guess that's all....

ETA: I finally remembered what it was I was gonna mention. Apparently, Emma's sister posted all of the pictures she took of the wedding on Facebook. I went looking for them, but I can't find them anywhere. I sent her a message about it, and she told me she reposted them so that they'd be easier to find. I STILL CAN'T SEE THEM. So I dunno what's up with that. I told her maybe she has it set so only family can view the album? I dunno. It's kinda annoying, though. I want to see how they turned out.