I keep meaning to blog and then just a bunch of other stuff crops up and then by the time I'm ready to actually do it, I only have a few minutes left till my internet is blocked and I'd have to go all the way upstairs to plug my laptop directly into the modem for internet, or use my kindle (which happens to be dead right now and I've been too lazy to look for the cord to charge it).

Actually, I only have a few minutes as it is, haha.

And I don't even know what to say anymore. Um..I guess...now that I started really working to get paperwork for my mission turned in, it seems like all sorts of things are going wrong. It's been discouraging, but I have a lot of support and encouragement to keep me from getting too overwhelmed. And if it takes me longer than planned to get out there, well, that just gives me more time to prepare.

I had been barely getting any sleep lately, and I'm still feeling the effects of that so I really need to hurry up and do the dishes so I can go to sleep pretty soon.

Eebs has been scarce, as he predicted. At first, he was still around, just not nearly as much as normal, but now he's gone for ages at a time. I think it was a couple of weeks this last time, and I just heard a short message from him the other day and then he hasn't been online at all since then. He says he's still really busy. I don't know what he's busy with, but sometimes I really really really miss him.

Um...heh. I dun even know anymore. My car died yesterday morning and I just finally got it jumped this evening. >.> Spectacular to still have it, really, since it's falling apart.

And an old friend of mine sent me a message today, which was nice because I haven't talked to him in a loooooong time. He used to have a Facebook but he never updated it and I think he closed the account not long after he opened it. So it's been nice catching up.

Allllll right. Not enough time for more. Heh. I guess if there's something pressing on the morrow, I'll blog about it then. XD