We had our first significant argument a few weeks back. Prior to that point in time he's always been amazing. I wouldn't be on this website if things had not been incredible.

Post argument? It's like he's not even the same person.

What led up to this was stuff with family. He's been taking care of them to the point he was emotionally spent. When he started to crash he got a little snippy with me, which is fine. I don't mind it, but I do try to stay out of the way when he gets like that because I don't want to get snapped at. So sue me.

He doesn't like it when I give him space like that but at the same time arguing about what I meant when I said I wish I could scratch his back as a gesture meant to comfort and not maim him didn't seem very productive either.

He says he's "on guard" right now with me. I can tell he is. The way he's been snapping at me and things he's been saying to me have put me on guard with him. Everything I say to him right now is earning me a snide and smart ass response, which is not like the man I've come care for.

I've got massive self esteem issues. He's helped me work through these and for once in my live I met someone who liked me for me, all my weirdness included. I always feel like I'm a burden to the people around me because I feel like I shouldn't rely on other people for anything. He's reassured me over the last year and a half that I'm not a burden, ever. The way he's been with me, so open and forthcoming, have given me a security I've never felt before. I haven't felt the need to make any assumptions about anything with him because of how sure I am in his regard for me and my person. He's told me he loves my mind and how it works and has called me his "go-to porn" lol he's made me feel secure in my thoughts and my body, both of which have historically been major issues for me.

And now I feel exactly the opposite. He's said that the things I say and the questions I ask are "odd," which has made me feel so insecure again. He wants me to be open with him, but doesn't want to hear how I feel about anything. He's even said that the emotions I express are manipulative at times. He tells me we're okay, and that he's just feeling sensitive right now, which means he's drained. But he continues to help his family, draining his resources, and taking it out on me.

I'm torn, confused, and lost right now. I'm giving him space. Who knows when I'll speak to him again. I miss him, but I miss the man he was a few weeks ago. I miss the man I've come to know and love over the last year and a half and I don't know how to get him back again. I want to feel that surety I had with him again and the only person who's going to make me feel that is him. So I sit here, waiting, wondering, assuming, fretting, worrying, and insecure where this will lead us. I hope he comes back to me but I have such a desolate feeling in my chest right now.