I'm really disappointed in myself. I started smoking AGAIN back in October. I've been an on and off smoker since I was 17. I feel like such an idiot, like I could control it this time. I know better. It makes me feel weak and since I've met my SO, I've never felt so strong. I feel like I've let him down, and more importantly, me.

I've been in a rut for a while now. I've got him coming to visit me and the threat of imminent exposure to the slob I am right now is not getting me off my ass to take care of my business.

I shouldn't put so much stock in one individual to keep my spirits up, but I have. He always tells me how strong I am, how proud he is of me, and right now I feel like I've failed his esteem. What he would tell me is it's not him I'm doing this for. It's me. He wants me to own myself and my decisions. He will make me think, tell me his opinion when I ask for it, but he always trusts me to take care of me. And I haven't been doing a great job of it lately.

I'm going to go settle myself outside, enjoy my last cigarette, and conquer my own head and throw out the vaping stuff. Tonight. As he would tell me, it's only my own head I'm fighting and that's easy