A week and a day have now gone by. I sent him a "final contact" email last week to tell him that I felt his fear of being manipulated hurt our relationship several times over the last couple years, that I thought had he been willing to talk about the issues we'd been able to resolve them, that I might contact him again to tell him about the conclusion of the airline ticket, and that I'd be here if he chose to reach out to me.

Having not received the response I'd hoped for from the airline, I cancelled it this morning. I'm now struggling with what to say, or if I should say anything at all about the ticket. I'm feeling a little bitter this evening and angry. I'm angry about the money I wasted and the misplaced trust I had in him. I don't know if I should say anything to him about any of this. Any thoughts here (or any of this for that matter) I would appreciate. I have something short and bitter drafted at the moment.

In light of this, and after much thought prior to canceling the ticket, I've realized the mountain I'd expect him to climb in order to reconcile with me. I'm frankly not sure he's capable of this. He hasn't blocked me on Whatsapp, he hasn't removed me from his Hangouts. I'm not sure what I want to do for myself.

I do realize that the anger and bitterness I feel is because of my own actions. While I chose to open up to him, it was my own actions that placed me in the position I'm in now, meaning forking out the money he screwed me for. I must accept my own role in not holding myself to a certain standard and enabling someone to take advantage of me in this way. It's a bitter pill to swallow.