Do you ever just feel like you don't know what to do with yourself..or feel like your life is kinda boring? I had one of those days yesterday and it was pretty shitty.

Little back story; around this time last year I was in a bad place. I had taken a job in another section and it was horrible. I had a boss who bullied me and coworkers who never once made me feel part of their team. There was also no work...So I sat at my desk for 7.5 hours per day doing nothing. So I fell in to a bit of a depression. I could'nt take it anymore so I went back to my job, where I am now.

Things have been pretty good since then but lately work here has been dead. Not as bad as the other place but for some reason it's brought back all these shitty feelings I had last year. And again I'm not too sure how to deal with it. It makes my brain do weird things and I tend to over think my life and stuff. One of the things that has been going on through my mind is how just bored I am with life. I sit here all day at work...browse the web...go to the gym...go home and do nothing...repeat. It seems that all I do is sit around and wait for shit to happen. Wait for my work day to end. Wait for bed. Wait for my SO. Wait. I don't know how to explain it to my SO that won't making her feel like it's her fault or make her worry. It's why I'm blogging it cause that seems to help. (this place in general seems to be helping me quite a bit.) I'm also starting to think that this might be a bout of the Winter Blues...I really do hate Winter and I'm soooo sick of it.

So all that to say that I think I need a hobby, something fun and exciting (and cheap) that would keep me distracted and happy. Especially in the evenings. But I don't even know what I could do. I'm not crafty (at least I don't think I am lol)...or sporty and I can't I'm really not sure what to so.

This blog probably doesn't make much sense but thanks for listening. lol Typing it out actually does help quite a bit.