I've come to realise, more and more each day, that I can't stand my boss. I've also come to the conclusion that she used to be one of the triggers for my anxiety. She is the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. She believes she's better than eveyone else and that she knows everything. She also likes to use her postion as a way of intimidation.

A couple weeks ago she talked down to me twice in a week, infront of a few people. And it triggered something inside me, where I've decided to not to socialize with her, or talk to her about my life. Or even give a shit about hers. She doesn't deserve to know about my life...what's the point because she'll just pretend to care. I've decided to keep it to a very bare minimum. Mostly just work conversations. This morning she asked about my trip to the US and all I said was "it was good". It's to the point that I can't stand the sound of her shoes when she walks or the sound of her voice. I decided to no longer get to me, and in order to do that, I have to cut that "buddy" connection. I am far from being or wanting to be her friend.

Also, lately she's been really trying to find flaws in my work, for no reason. Which is very rare cause i've been at it for almost ten years. (Which is 8 years more than her btw...) Questioning me, making sure I don't miss any little step. Well that was making me feel really stupid. So I'm done with that too. I will not let her walk all over me anymore. I will bombard her with so much information about my work that she will get annoyed and stop bugging me! haha! Maybe she'll get the picture! lol

I guess I needed to vent and let that off my chest. Thanks for listening. Feels great! hehe