I'm going through something and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm in a funk and I'm bored with just about everything, in a nothing fulfils me way...

I do a whole lot of nothing too often and my life is a little bit too routine. I'm currently, and have been for a while, struggling with finding some thing that's for ME. An activity, a hobby or anything that can keep me distracted in those alone moments where my girlfriend is at work, busy or at school. But I just can't seem to figure out what that is. It's to the point now that I'm starting to really believe that I have nothing. I have no passion. And it has me pretty down and mellow. I've also found myself being really jealous of my SO and all the positive stuff she has going on and her passion. She has a path and goals. She has things she loves to do to get her mind of things and I have...nothing.

I've looked a few online courses and nothing seems to interest me. (I'm kicking myself for not taking the walking dead course a few months ago) I've tested a few hobbies and nothing sticks. I did talk to my SO about maybe selling my 8bit bead decorations I've made and accumulated but then I start doubting myself. Maybe all of this stems from my low self esteem (which kinda makes sense hearing myself saying it) or maybe it's the winter blah. Either way, I want it to stop. I need a serious pick me up and kick in the butt.

Now sure what I'm trying to get out of this blog, I feel like I'm rambling. lol I just needed to get out, without bugging my SO with it yet again. She's probably sick of hearing it by now. lol

Why can things just be simple? lol