So I was on vacation at the cottage for a week with the family and came back yesterday. And during that week I very much realized how my sister and I are just completely different. There is nothing about us that is the same. Frankly, a lot of the things my sister does I find quite annoying. I do love her very much but her big thing that drives me crazy is that no matter if you want it or not, she will judge your choices and give her opinion. Only she is right and knows what's best.

This weekend was a huge eye opener for me, that I really am unable to talk to her and that will never change. She had friends over at her cottage. People I've grown up with. They were asking me about my relationship and how things were going. Of course the subject of her moving here came up and I explained that I will have to sponsor her and that getting married would be the best course of action. But it's not the only reason I want to marry her, obviously. We've been together for 4+ year. So of course my sister jumps down my throat and tells me I should not marry and that it would be stupid. Nice eh? By the sounds of it, she thinks that my relationship will not work out cause we've never lived together. She thinks I have everything to lose if I get married... And I'm pretty sure that she thinks Allie is out to get my money. What money? lol And if that was the case, she sure is taking her sweet ass time to do so! hahaha I have everything to lose if I don't marry her. My sister doesn't care that I love this person or that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Yes, our relationship isn't the "norm" but it's just as legit as her's. She just thinks about the what ifs and not about how this is the right thing for me...for US. Instead of being happy and helpful, which is what I need, she's judgy and opinionated. I never asked for her opinion and I'm old enough to know what the fuck I'm doing. My mom supports my decision...why can't she. Everyone that was there for that fight/convo, agreed with ME. Her friends and her boyfriend. Yet she was right.......not.

So now I'm not really including her in my decisions because I don't need to hear her negativity. I bought Allie a ring and I will marry her. My mom knows it, and it's all that matters to me. If my sister wants part of that, she will make an effort. I'm so sick of people not making any effort for me...she's so like my dad. All they are doing is pushing me away.

I get the feeling that she may be jealous, in a way. Maybe I'm wrong. But her and her BF have been together for like 14 years I think and they are still not married. And I think it may bug her that I will before her... Either way, I don't want her fucking opinion. I'm done with it.


Meanwhile, on sort of different note. Shit hit the fan with my SO and her stupid parents again this weekend. BAD. And I'm really sick and tired of them emotionally and mentally abusing her. She wants out and I want her out of there ASAP. So we are starting the process as soon as we can and getting shit done. They will see how fucking good they had it once she's gone. Allie wont be there to do everything in that house anymore, while working full time and going to school...and getting ZERO appreciation for it. It's time to get out!

That's all for now...felt good! hehe