Had my appoinment on Friday and it went really well. Felt great to talk to someone who can actually makes sense of what I am feeling and where it stems from. He does confirm that I am dealing with depression and has recommended that I talk to my Doctor about anti-depressants. I don't necessarily want to take meds, but the way I've been feeling, I think it's probably not a bad idea. I just don't know what to expect... I have to call her this week to make an appointment.
Opinions or experiences are welcome!

Going back to see my therapist this week.

I went to the cottage this weekend with my family and I tried to open the door to the topic of my depression and it didn't go very well...with my sister. Not sure if I've mentioned it but my sister is someone I just can't talk to about serious stuff. She just too opinionated, judgemental and HAS to say what she thinks even if you didn't ask for it. So mom asked me how come I finished work early and I told her I had an appointment and she asked if it was my Doctor and I told her no that it was with my Therapist. And my lovely sister's reply was "Hum why? Are you having second thoughts about getting married?" and bursted out laughing. No one else laughed. Who makes a joke like that?? I couldn't believe it... I just took a deep breath and walked away. Later that night, mom and I had a bit of alone time and I opened up to her and it was nice. She didn't judge she just listened and gave me her support. It was nice!

The next day my sister tried to bring the subject back up and asked how I was doing...I didn't really tell her. Honestly, she always asks me why I don't talk to her and the first time I try to open up I get shot down. So that's about it for me trying to talk to her. I have more important shit going on and ME to think about. I don't need her stupid comments and negativity. I can do all that on my own...