Lately I've been struggling with resentment. Towards her school, her work and sometimes even her family. I think it may be because things are finally coming together and I'm just over waiting. But for whatever reason, it's there and I don't like it. I resent that we are now at 5 and half years and I'm still waiting. I know it stems from waiting (It's also my anxiety my trigger). This is going to sound bad but, all of the waiting I've been doing, is because of things she wanted to do or had to do. None of it has to do with me and I've been basically waiting and struggling and trying to be patient this whole time. I know my feelings are completely irrational, because this is what we chose and this is what WE agreed to but I'm just over it. I want my life with her and I want to not be alone anymore. I'm 32 years old and I'm ready. I have been for a long time. I'd like to feel like a priority in her life, for once. Is that a bad thing?

I probably sound like a big jerk; Feel free to tell me. I need to hear it. lol
I know it's going to be over soon, thank god, so I shouldn't been complaining...
Has anyone felt anything like this?