I haven't been here in a while, because Dylan visited me for the first time! We've been together for 3 amazing weeks, and took lots of pictures.
He left yesterday, and I've never cried so much in my life. I never cry. But this made such a huge impact on me... He has a very bad family situation, and keeps crying on skype because he misses my family so much. He loves my mother more than his own, and that makes me feel so sad...
We just decided that he will come back for Christmas, my birthday and New Year, so it's only four months waiting instead of a whole year. We're both paying for half the ticket, so that is something to look forward to.
It's just that this part is so hard... After the amazing experience of being a 'real' couple, (he's also my first boyfriends so there were a lot of first times for everything!) getting back to skyping is the hardest thing ever. Not being able to look into each others eyes, or touching each other... We have to get used to it again. It's just so hard to see him cry... I have my amazing family and friends, he has no one there... His mom was already angry with him after five minutes, and she didn't really care about our carefully selected presents for her. My mom feels so sorry for him too, everyone wishes he was here...

Sorry for this unorganised post, I just had to write it down...