...In cold, snowy, beautiful Finland! I've been here since Friday, and will stay until Monday. This has been such a good visit so far

My boy is working, so I've been doing a bit of exploring on my own. Going to a mall was easy, walked around for a few hours and took the train, something I'm not used to. Grocery shopping wasn't as easy! Figuring out ingredient translations and weights was interesting. An old drunk guy tried having a conversation with me about a head of cabbage (I think!), but left me alone when I told him I don't speak Finnish.

Anyone I've spoken to has been very accommodating regarding my lack of Finnish, which makes me take into consideration how often I've seen non-English speaking people in the US being treated poorly. I'm going to be very aware of that from now on. This is my third trip over here, but I've never had to be out and about without my boy, but I honestly love it. It's fun to be in another country and doing non-touristy things on my own, especially in an English friendly one, for when I get into trouble!

When I'm here in the Winter, I have some trouble adjusting to the darkness. I can't get up in the morning, or figure out what time it is. I have to remember that it'll be getting dark by 3:30, since it's easier finding my way around when its still light outside. On the other hand...I absolutely love the loooong Summer days here

Websurfing is amusing, because of my IP address, all the ads I'm getting are in Finnish, too. I guess that's a good thing, since I can't be tempted if I can't understand

Somehow it feels like this is a very important visit, like things will be different when its over, sort of like this relationship will be much more defined. Not that it isn't defined already, but we're both older, cautious as hell, and have taken this pretty slowly. I love him, I do, and that in itself is an incredible statement for me to make. For the first time, since I tend to not be very emotional normally, leaving is gonna be HARD. I mean, it sucked before too, but that's simply to be expected in an LDR, so it wasn't a big thing for us. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to sleep without him once I'm home Oh well, again, this is an LDR and it is what it is, although I'm really not used to feeling so...so...needy or dependent! It's not comfortable

Alright, this is long enough. I hope anyone who bothers reading this has a visit coming up soon!