Yesterday I was furious at Raine for something he said in our weekly team meeting. I knew his making me look like an idiot wasn't intentional, and he was just being insensitive, but wow, I was mad. I was wondering how I was going to approach this during our usual call that night, but it turned out I had to work really late. I admit I was kinda relieved at that, I didn't want to talk to him. I shot off a quick message saying I'd be working late, well past when he needs to be sleeping. It wasn't my usual silly message, but very brief and to the point.

My Raine isn't a romantic kind of guy, at least not in the traditional sense. He doesn't like to talk about feelings and emotions much, and he tries to be as stoic as possible. He has his ways though, and his stoicism, I think, is just a mask for his sensitive nature. He's not the guy who's going to remember Valentine's Day, or shower you with "I Love You"'s, but he will always tell you the truth and he'll take very good care of you. He's a good listener and so compassionate He also can take a lot of getting used to for a woman accustomed to men being OK with emotional stuff!

Anyway, I waited until 9:00 to check my email, because that's 4:00am there. I knew he'd be sleeping and wouldn't see me logged into Gchat and I wouldn't have to talk about it Well, I was wrong, there he was, bright green status and all! He was waiting for me, just in case I could make it I called him and was like "Honey, what's wrong, why are you up???" He said he just didn't want to miss our talk, so he waited. I didn't believe him at first, I thought he was just flattering me, then I remembered who I was talking to. I kept saying "no, why are you really still up?", and he was too adorably sincere in telling me again that he just wanted to talk to me first, if he could, and he was fine.

Well, I couldn't be mad after that. We talked about me being angry and hurt, but just for a minute, it turned out to be a misunderstanding and he was very sorry for it. We talked shop, we talked silly stuff, we just had our normal, usual type of conversation. When I finally forced him to go to bed, it was after 6:00am his time, and he had to be up in two hours for work.

After hanging up, I sat back in my chair and realized Wow! That's love! When a guy will stay up that late on a worknight, just in case you can talk for a few minutes, and thinks its worth it, that's love. When he does that, AND finds out you're mad at him anyway, but doesn't get frustrated with you and just listens, that's love. When you have to remind him of the time, but he wants to chat about nothing anyway and hear your voice, that's love.

I don't need gifts, or flowers. I don't need many words. I don't need jewelry or fine dining experiences. All I need is my Raine, as he is, with his quiet, subtle signs of how deep and true his love is for me. He's that guy I've spent so much time looking for, and was sure didn't exist. I can't believe I've finally found him