I'm a happy girl today

This will sound absolutely absurd to anyone reading this, considering many people in LDR's live by this stuff, but for the first time in our over two year relationship, we webcamed last night. Silly, I know, especially considering we're both IT professionals, and we've had plenty of visits, but my boy is super shy and I've been trying to gently coax him into it forever. It was SO good to see him, he looked completely adorable, and I spent the rest of the night with a stupid grin on my face. I can't believe he finally gave it! We talk pretty much every night, and send lots of pictures, so it was never a big deal, I've always been very considerate of his shy nature and actually find it endearing as hell, so this was a kinda big thing for him to do, and we had a blast. We're doing it again tonight He finally got to see my dogs "live", I've sent him tons of pics and video, but you can't quite capture my Chihuahua's spontaneous bundle of happy, ******ed energy that way, as he steps all over my laptop while I'm trying to talk, or my old Dalmatian's contentedness as she sleeps next to me on the couch, with her chin on my feet. I also never knew how much our conversations make him smile!

It's these small, seemingly simple gestures that make me happy. I've come to realize as I get older how much little things really mean, and how things that seem like no big deal at first, can mean a great deal if you look more deeply into it. When I look back and realize all the things he's done for me, it tells me the depth of his love for me more than any words or presents could ever do. I'll be in Helsinki in less than three weeks, and I just can't wait to be with him!