This has been a great week! We booked Raine's airline tickets on Monday to come for two weeks over Christmas I haven't been this excited for Christmas since I still believed in Santa. Then tonight, I booked us a hotel for a couple of nights in New York, right in Times Square. No, not for New Year's eve, as cool as that would be, but for a little after. Although I've been to Finland 5 times, this is Raine's first trip here, I love to travel and don't mind things like airport hassles, whereas he's kind of a homebody, but I've finally managed to drag him out of the Old World and into the New I can't wait to show him all the things I've talked to him about, and my kid, my family and my pooches will get to meet the guy that I can't stop talking about.

I have to resist the urge to over plan and make us too busy, we'll want some time to just hang out at my house to cook and watch TV and stuff, but I've got a million ideas racing through my head, I need to find a way to shut me up Anyway, Christmas here is a hugely different atmosphere than what he's used to, poor guy. His Christmases are quiet and calm, mine are boisterous and fun, in his, adults don't do presents and in ours, you're buried in them, I hope he can handle it all!

I can't wait to take him to a real Mexican restaurant, the one thing they do terribly in Helsinki is Mexican food, it's really awful! I want to feed him a cheese steak and a soft pretzel, followed by great Philly pizza, and a genuine hoagie Water ice for dessert, definitely! See? I get way to excited, whew! Just had to share since I'm bouncing off the walls, and need to expend a little energy. Thanks for reading my babble!