Visit-ish, that's a good description of last week. It wasn't bad, it was sort of odd, and it was way, way too short.

I picked my boy up at the airport Saturday afternoon, it was as nice as usual Raine had to get some clothes for work, since my office is a lot more stuffy than his, and he needed to check into the hotel, so we checked him in first, then hit up Target so he could get some basics (socks, underwear) that are significantly cheaper to buy in the US, and to pick up some food for the fridge in his room. Then we stopped off at Kohl's for the rest. He bought enough that he got $30 in Kohl's cash, which I promptly claimed (and used on a pair of jeans and a Vera Wang sweater!) It was pretty fun, believe it or not, we always have a good time shopping. Then we hung out here for the night, and went to his hotel Sunday afternoon, until Antti-Christ showed up around 11:00pm, and I had to make my escape.

I picked the guys up for work in the morning, and every damn morning after that And, I took them back at night, ugh. The THREE of us sat in the hotel bar until about midnight every night, there was no ditching Antti, not even for a goddamn minute, then our CTO showed up halfway through the week, so there wasn't even a minute of alone time at all for the whole week. That sucked, but I thought I handled it well - until Friday. Friday, when I finally thought we'd have some time, the CTO decides to take his fellow Finns to dinner. At that point, I'd had enough. I said my "see ya later, have a nice flight, blah, blah, blah's" to Antti and the other girl there from the Helsinki office, blew right by Raine, and left. I know it wasn't his fault, I know there was nothing he could do, but I couldn't even look at him.

I drove home, but had to make a dog food stop, and bought two big candy bars for my pity dinner I got home, put on my pj's, plopped down in front of the tv, and started on my Cadbury Fruit and Nut, sad, pissed, and feeling abandoned and depressed. I got about halfway through my chocolate bar when my phone rang. Raine escaped!! He had pizza, but when the usual bar stop was suggested, he claimed a headache and went back to the hotel. Hah, I had to jump back in the car and drive the 40 minutes again to go grab him before the rest of the group got back.

All was well after that. We had until Sunday afternoon before he had to catch his flight to London. I guess we only got a bit less than three days together, but that's better than nothing, and we had a really good time. I introduced him to water ice, which he really liked, he also liked the Survivor Man marathon, which isn't showing in Finland, and told me how comfortable everything felt this time (he's never very comfortable outside of Finland ). My dogs remembered him and wouldn't leave him alone for a second That little bit of time may have been short, but it was time very well spent, and just so nice to have him here.

The work week was strange, we kept it strictly professional and it felt weird, but it was necessary. Antti turned out to be OK, he was funny and interesting, though I wish he woulda stayed the hell home

So now, the next visit wait begins again, and we all know how that is. Summer seems so far away, but Spring will be here in a few short hours, and that time goes so fast, thankfully!