Somehow we got onto the subject of "The Proposal" today... and I think I just accidentally shattered my SO's proposal idea =/ oops =/ I was stressing my hatred of any elaborate proposals, like putting things in food, having a parade of elephants spell it out, renting out the Eiffel Tower and proposing on that.... Doing the whole rose petal and million candles in the living room thing... and then his face dropped. Shit!

He was asking me why I thought that was elaborate, I told him, he has to get me out of the apartment which will be nigh impossible, buy all that stuff, set it all up etc, what wasn't elaborate about it? He then said he was going to take me out for dinner and get a friend to set it up for him. I told him then other people would know he was going to ask and I wanted to be the second to know after him... then he said so setting up a time so you can skype your parents and people will be a bad idea? boom! second plan shot down. I would much rather call them, then I won't spend hours upon hours talking to them which would happen with skype. So I managed to destroy 2 of his plans within 1 conversation... But really I don't see why he can't just take me to the park or something and JUST ASK?! Why does it have to be so complicated? He wants to make it "special"... isn't him proposing to me special enough?! I don't need this bullshit parade just so we can have a wonderful gushy story to tell other people later on. I DON'T CARE!

I feel awful, I really do, about his plans getting ruined, but at the same time, isn't it good he knows I don't want all of that stuff? ack how do I manage to get myself into these conversations? *sigh* other then that, we've had a really great day, hanging out, watching movies and tv and talking about nothing I love our lazy days! we both needed that today, we've both had a hard week. And he told me to start making folders of stuff I wanted for out big wedding, so when the time comes, we'll have a lot to work with already It's so much fun! but I know when it gets real it will be so stressful, but I will have fun for now fantasizing about it all!