On the request of 23 Meant to post on Monday but I got attacked by Mosquitoes on Sunday and have had arms similar to that of the Michelin man, downing antihistamine like no-one's business and generally feeling sorry for myself. Now I don't feel like my forearms are about to explode and I can write a longer post!

So here are the vows!


A, I love you so much, and I am so happy to be standing here with you today. I won't say how amazing it is, how that it's unbelievable that we've made it this far, because ever since I first met you, I knew you would be a very precious person to me, and that I would do anything to keep you in my life.

We had a hard beginning, being separated so early on in our relationship; thank you so much for waiting for me! It was so difficult and heart-wrenching at times, but I'd go through it all again to get back to you once more. I hope if I ever get annoyed or angry, that I will look back at the days when all I had of you was an image on a computer screen and remember how lucky I am now to have you here, so I can beat you up in person!

You are amazing, hilarious, generous, loyal and kind; I am so privileged and honored to be able to call myself your wife. I promise to love you and value our friendship always. I look forward to our lives together, our successes, our losses, our adventures together and our family. Thank you for everything you have brought into my life, and thank you for everything you will continue to bring.

A, I take you here today to be my lifetime partner, knowing with all my heart that you will be my constant best friend, my 42 and my one true love


I may have paraphrased a little reading that out. It got a bit intense and I was determined not to cry!

My SO's:

Nicole, You are my Best Friend. Being able to lean on you makes me feel sane. Whenever I get overwhelmed all I have to do is hold your hand and my stress fades. We've been through a lot together; our lives have changed in so many ways, and through all the changes I have kept one thought in my mind: Get back to Nicole.

Standing in front of you today makes me appreciate how very lucky I am. The feeling on never having to say goodbye all teary eyed at an airport gate. Its unbelievable having you so far away for so long makes me understand how important it is to hold on to you tight, and never let go again.

The woman of my dreams is standing in front of me, Amazingly gorgeous! And you are all mine for forever. You are the love of my life. You make me laugh, you care for me when I am sick and you love me unconditionally. So I have a few promises to make to you. I promise to pay you back 100 fold for all the kindness, caring and love you have and ever will give me. I promise that you will always be right. (that got a laugh- my ham of a husband ) I promise to love you forever and I promise that I will always be your personal penguin for ever and ever. I love you Nicole with all my heart and soul.


And here is the Hitchhiker's Guide Reading if anybody is interested:

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has this to say on the subject of flying. There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Pick a nice day, it suggests, and try it.

“The first part is easy. All it requires is simply the ability to throw yourself forward with all your weight, and the willingness not to mind that it’s going to hurt. That is, it’s going to hurt if you fail to miss the ground.

“Most people fail to miss the ground and if they are really trying properly, the likelihood is that they will fail to miss it fairly hard. Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, which presents the difficulties.

“One problem is that you have to miss the ground accidentally. It’s no good deliberately intending to miss the ground because you won’t. You have to have your attention suddenly distracted by something else when you’re halfway there, so that you are no longer thinking about falling, or about the ground or about how much it’s going to hurt if you fail to miss it.
“It is notoriously difficult to pry your attention away from these three things during the split second you have at your disposal. Hence most people’s failure, and their eventual disillusionment with this exhilarating and spectacular sport.

“If, however, you are lucky enough to have your attention momentarily distracted at the crucial moment by, say, a gorgeous pair of legs or a bomb going off in your vicinity, or by suddenly spotting an extremely rare species of beetle crawling along a nearby twig, then in your astonishment you will miss the ground completely and remain bobbing just a few inches above it in what might seem to be a slightly foolish manner.
“This is a moment for superb and delicate concentration.