You know, for people who don't really celebrate Valentine's day, we actually celebrated Valentine's day lol

Thursday was fun. I've had a deal with my SO- we have a weekly food budget, and if I can stay under every week whilst not resorting to feeding us spaghetti-os on toast for dinner, the change goes into our "Wishlist pot". Well many months have gone by and I finally saved enough to get the first thing on the wishlist- waterproof hiking boots My older pair are great for summer, as they're so light, but they leak terribly. So now we have His and Hers hiking boots, and I got to test them out on Saturday! Next on the wishlist- waterproof jackets. I wish I had enough spare now, because the nice breathable ones are all on sale right now. Still expensive, but less expensive than usual haha

Then the rest of the afternoon, I ran errands. I mailed my mum's birthday present (here's to hoping all these storms won't delay it too much), bought wine, bought ingredients for dinner, got a tape measure so we can order my SO's suit for the wedding in April, and finally I think I managed to get a skin match for foundation! I ended up with an Urban Decay one- its light so it blends in with my skin a lot more than anything I've tried. We'll see if I still look like a ghost in pictures from now on like I usually do! But yes, I had to get the very lightest shade. Not even 1, but 0.5! I didn't even know they made lighter than 1!

After I picked my SO up from work, we took Dave to a dog-park we've never been to before. Its nice because 1)people actually pick up after their dogs, unlike the runs in our apartment complex (people are seriously disgusting) and 2) this one is cut in 2 so the big and little dogs can play separately if they want to. When we got there, everyone was playing in the big one so we joined them.

OMG there was a baby English Bulldog and it was ADORABLE! Baby-bully loved Dave to start with, then he threw a massive wrinkle-wobbling tantrum because Dave is better at fetch He was trying so hard, but Dave is like a rocket (he can over-take whippets on corners- I'm proud), and he just couldn't move its stumpy little legs fast enough. The tantrum was pretty hilarious though! He just kept snorting and stomping his legs, then finally realized the only way he could win was by sitting on top of the tennis ball so Dave couldn't get to it Dave got the message after a while and went off to play with the big dogs, and I got snuggles with the bully I love puppies!

Valentine's itself was nice. My SO surprised me with chocolate- I said years ago how I'd never had one of those corny heart-shaped boxes of chocolate before, so he got me some this time round! I had a disaster with the brownies- my baking has gone seriously downhill since we moved here! Conversation:

SO: DAMMIT they are stuck to the foil! Why did you use foil??
ME:.... so they wouldn't stick to the pan

French Onion soup was great though. We sank 2 bottles of wine and had one of our usual deep drunken conversations about our relationship. I was telling him how even quieter and shy I was in highschool, and the bravest out-of-my shell thing I did was apply for the exchange program- and its a good thing I did, or else we wouldn't be together!

Saturday morning I was hungover, but my SO insisted we were going hiking as it was supposed to be warmer. By like 2 degrees, I see no difference! We went up to a place called Mount Falcon. I bet it would be a lot easier to do in summer- the snow was melting up there still, so hiking through 2-3inches of slush made it a lot harder! Dave hated it this time, because of the snow, and his main strategy for dealing with things he doesn't like is to pelt full-speed away from it, so trying to stay up-right was fun and games! It wasn't the best hike we've been on, but we may take my in-laws in a few months as its relatively flat and easy.

I've also been thinking of our 2 year anniversary, as that is now less than a month away. I've given up on a cotton gift. I was going to get bamboo sheets but they are so expensive, and from the reviews, don't seem to last very long. I don't want to buy any decorative items till we move either. So I think we've settled on a fondue pot. I have a ninja chopper and immersion blender because full-sized appliances would take up too much room in the kitchen, but a fondue pot is ok

I also decided what to get my SO for his birthday in June- Colorado Rapids tickets, because he loves soccer. I just need to settle on either the game 2 days after his birthday against Vancouver, or the July 4th match a week later against Columbus Crew. I think he'd prefer the Crew match (in the height of his bullshitting days, he convinced his co-workers that he had played for them- I think they still believe him), but I'm thinking if I've got a job by then, July 4th would probably be more difficult to get off? Decisions, decisions!

Bonus post-bathtime puppy picture: