I was going to write about the house and post some pictures but as the sellers are being douchebags right now, I don't want to do anything to jinx it. They have refused to do anything on our list of objections, all of which were reasonable like get the furnace cleaned and install the CO detector. Oh and tell us where the water mains shut off is as they have so much shit jammed everywhere, our inspector could not find it. And they've refused.

So our realtor has being having a passive-aggressive battle with their realtor, saying you have to tell us where the water mains tap is, it would be illegal to sell the house without the CO detector, and as the rest of the demands go under the heading of "Safety Hazard", if we chose to take them to court, we would win within 5 minutes, then they'd be paying legal fees as well as paying for a furnace clean. I know they've probably got a back-up offer, which is why they're dragging their feet, but thankfully, we are the only ones who can terminate the contract right now so they can't pull out and go for the other offer. So we'll see what this week holds, then I'll post pictures when I know whats happening with the contract...

In other news, my SO's PE is FINALLY done. We're not sure how it went really, he said the first half was easy and he left the session an hour early, but the second half was awful- basically expecting them to know the qualities of all these random types of wood, and seeing as my SO usually works in Oil refineries, I don't think he's done any work requiring wood since college. So yeah... we can only hope that everyone struggled and more people got more blind-sided than he was, as they pass people on their ranking compared to everybody else, not on overall score. We had a relaxed weekend hanging out though which was truly needed- I feel like I've only seen him for dinner and an hour before we go to bed for the last month, which is not enough for this spoiled now-CDer! (In my defense, we probably spent more time skyping everyday LD than we have seen each other this past month )

On to The Dress!!!

It fits! I was so worried because I got the smaller size, but its fits perfectly! I just hope I don't eat too much NOLA food the few days before the event and get fat haha I went with my original idea of mint in the end. I searched every single shop which sells shoes this side of Denver, and couldn't find any teal or purple shoes, or at least any in my size. Then the only choices I had were coral, nude or mint. Coral is just not my color and nude is too matchy with the bridesmaids so I went with mint. My SO helped me out with the shoes as my Easter gift I think he's secretly guilty over not spending much time with me lately, but we have a rule of no "just because" gifts at the moment due to all our money being thrown at the house, so he says its an Easter gift for his atheist wife I got him rum, hot sauce, jerky and candy for his "easter/PE survival" basket, so we both cheated I guess


Outfit with Dave cameo (apologies for my no make-up face... bleh)

The shoes were actually a bit tight, but I brought out the old 2-pairs of socks and hairdryer trick so they are pretty comfy now I'll probably still put some moleskin around my little toes though. I like it! My SO went all coy and smiley and said he can't wait to show me off

I just don't know what to do with my hair- I've got an appointment to get it cut tomorrow and I don't know whether to just play it safe, get an inch off and my fringe tidied up, or just bob it altogether. I just don't want to ask for something too different then hate it a week before I'll be in a tonne of vacation pictures? bah I'll scour pinterest today and try and come up with a happy medium