My goodness we we haven't stopped moving since New Orleans- it feels good to finally have a break, even though I still have a million things I could be doing...

It turned out trying to move in a day was both the worst and best decision to make. Worst because it was freaking exhausting and stressful as hell, but best because with my in-laws coming to stay, we really would have killed them if we'd all been stuck in the tiny apartment all week!

The day we got the keys we picked up a u-haul and got our new sofa and an extra chair for the dining room- the sofa was a mistake, but I guess that's what we get for rushing. Its not the material we thought it was and the sofa part is too big to fit down the basement stairs. We're rectifying that by buying another chaise to connect to the loose end of the love seat. We were totally right to get a chaise though- I love this thing! We spent all of Thursday night shifting the big stuff, then called it a night in the early hours of Friday, as my SO had to work all day- I spent most of Friday trying to make the place look less like it had been hit by a hurricane, and luckily for us, the in-laws' flight got delayed so we had enough time to rebuild the dining room table and finish off before my SO went to pick them up.

I am very lucky with my in-laws, they are good people, but I was so pissed off by the end of the week... my SO got pissed off within a few days however, so I feel less guilty I mentioned in last year's wedding blogs that my FIL was really annoyed at his dad for making him act like a tour guide whilst they were in England? That is exactly how they treated me all week. And it was infuriating because I know they'd done their research and wanted to do certain things, but every time my SO or I would ask what they wanted to do we were met with "We don't care", "I don't know", "What do you want to do?". Everything, down to the damn movie we would watch on an evening!! Like I mentioned going to Manitou to see the cave dwellings and they all agreed, then I did some further research the next morning before breakfast and found they weren't that great for various reasons. I tell my in-laws we should probably do something else and my FIL was all 'Oh well I'd read about them too before we came and heard the same thing..." SO WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING??? I understand they don't like being a burden but that level of apathy is more burdening than if they had a huge list of things they wanted to do? And they did have a list, but apparently it was a secret list that I was supposed to guess at? raaargh!

It probably didn't help that I was having one of my abnormal months- my moods don't really fluctuate around my period but there is an odd month in the year when I turn into a hormonal mess, so when met with the hundredth "We just want to do what you want to do", I had to bite back the "Oh you want to lay in bed all day and pound midol too? AWESOME" retorts One day I sent them all off to the brewery tour so I could study for my last Medical terminology final; you know you're a crazy bitch when your SO calls to ask if you want them to come home early so you wouldn't be alone all day, and you burst into tears and tell them, for the love of humanity, please stay away Thank goodness I wasn't on speaker phone- poor boy was only trying to be kind and thoughtful... at least I acknowledge the crazy right?

So despite my hormones and my in-laws' infuriating attitude, we managed to do some cool stuff and spend time together- it was mostly stuff my SO and I have been to before, like the hikes we've been on and towns we'd visited, but we got to do a couple of new things. My SO got to Fat Tire brewery which he's been dying to go to and we did the drive to Colorado Springs and went to The Garden of the Gods, which is a really amazing place:

We could just see Pike's Peak before the snow storms hit the mountains

Oh, and we saw so many animals! We couldn't believe it; my SO and I have been here 7 months now and not seen anything more than prairie dogs and rabbits, but last week, there were entire herds of Elk and Deer just hanging out in TOWN let alone in Rocky Mountain national park, then we saw wild turkeys up in the park itself, and when we were driving back down the mountain, we had to stop because a momma MOOSE and calf just decided to stop in the middle of the road- I bet the people in the first car were crapping themselves when those popped out in front of them lol


The elk just hang out in people's gardens in Estes Park- that must be fun to live with

So they left Saturday morning and we reveled in doing nothing all day- the weather suited us because we got hit with 6 inches of snow that day Well, I did something because my Medical Terminology final was due by midnight- didn't study as much as usual because of the in-laws being there, but I got 97% anyway So I'm straight A's so far- I just wish the jerk realtor of the sellers didn't make them keep their washer and dryer, so I could be doing another class this summer We need the washer and dryer more, but still, I already feel like I'm stagnating again not doing anything to get me to my career goals... 3 months till Fall semester starts...

Now, we've still got a load of crap left at the apartment. I'm getting so tired of going back to pick up another car-load of stuff, I'm considering burning the place down and cutting our losses But really, we need to move it all so I can clean it before the power gets shut off next week. It doesn't help I've embarked on a new project which is a lot more entertaining- redecorating our guest room! My in-laws had to put up with the monkey mural, but my parents won't have to! Its going to be a bigger job because our entire house is finished with this knockdown texture:

and over the past week, I've decided I hate it. I don't care so much about the ceilings, but I want to paint the walls something other than "apartment beige" and I think it looks cleaner and more up to date with smooth walls. So I've been studying DIY websites and youtube videos on how to skim coat drywall, then we'll repaint over that. Hopefully if this little room goes well I can slowly work room by room till all the walls are smooth.

So that's me updated apart from we're going through another "we need another dog" phase, which is pressed further because Dave has started being an asshole on the nights we go for a walk instead of going to the dog park- he needs another puppy to play with so he'll quit annoying us all evening! It will have to wait till after my parents have left in June, but I've got my eye on a BT rescue and another general rescue out of Boulder, so hopefully Mr Dave's new pet will be around in a few months