Alright! So I was completely and totally exhausted this morning and decided to try a 5 hour energy. So now instead of my brain not working at all there are all these things sort of floating around in my head so bear with me while I write this cause it might be jumbled!

Flying to Pittsburgh tonight and am extremely excited! Get to spend four nights appx. 3 1/2 days with my baby. This is our longest visit so far and I'm really grateful to get so much time with him. A little bit nervous about meeting some of his family but he insists that they're very accepting and that they will love me because he does. I sooo wish I could say the same about my family. lol. I was like yeah, my Dad isn't like that. *shrugs*

On a random note, I'm an association manager for condominiums. I have been with my company for 8 months and went from having three properties to six within my first six months. I'm pretty good at my job but mostly because I'm a good ass kisser / bull shitter. So the person in the cube next to me has been here since August and before Monday, he only had two properties. They hired this man to be my BOSS. *chuckles evilly* He has no property management experience prior to August and when my best friend Jess left they decided to give him all of her properties and now he has just as many as I do. It's really funny watching him FLIP OUT trying to figure out how to manage everything when like a month and a half ago he was telling me not to sweat a few really big projects I needed help getting knocked out. He has only had these properties for FOUR days. Is it evil that I find it funny? Oh well.

seriously... My head is tingly. When they say "drink the whole bottle for maximum energy" this is not what I was expecting. *shrugs* Maybe it's because it tastes awful and I chased it with a pepsi?

Oh! And there are cookies every where and they keep trying to get me to eat them but I am going strong and refusing. I do not need cookies! I need a salad. So off to eat lunch!

Hope everybody has a great weekend, I know I will be enjoying my four days of being blackberry free!

P.S. Why does it say "You may add 5 tag(s) to this entry." and then I put three in and "The number of tags you tried to add exceeded the maximum number of tags by 1." grrrr.