Over a week ago, my SO's mother actually added me on Facebook It was kind of awkward at first since I never really interacted with a SO's parent before but it was rather nice to have someone that can relate how much I miss him. She's going just as crazy, if not more, not having heard from him yet. But she did share with me some pictures she found off a Facebook page while he was in processing and it was such a HUGE relief to see him and know that he is okay. Despite getting used to the shaved head (tee hee), I gotta say I have one handsome soldier =D

She did informed me that it appears he got pushed back a training class, which means we are looking at September for a graduation date now. Not only does it suck that I have to wait longer to meet him in person, I had hoped it would be before school started and I had to go back to work. But on the bright side of things, I will be more financially stable to make the trip since I will get my summer school money at the end of August. Good thing I have some personal days saved up that will row over to next year.

I just want to hear from him already