My SO had Family Weekend at his base and was allowed 3 day passes. And every single day, for pretty much all day long, we were texting/facebooking/on the phone with one another. I literally got to fall in love with him all over again because there are just some things that letters just can't capture. And he added both my mother and best friend on Facebook and had pretty long conversations with them so I was real happy that they got to know him before my first visit with him. It meant a lot that he did that.

But as the saying goes, 'all good things must come to again'. I was trying so hard to fight it off, but when he was saying his last goodbyes on the phone before going into the barracks, I just lost it. And his voice cracking when he plead to me not to cry or else he would start crying too definitely made the tears flow. -sigh- So we are back to cold turkey again. And he put it perfectly that we are each others' drug and now we are back on the withdrawal stage. And it seemed that this time was so much harder to say good bye than it did the first time around. But hey, at least this time we only have one month of limited communication and at the end of it is the ultimate reward: me being in his arms finally at his graduation. That will make the pain all worth it. ^^;

And as an added bonus, he asked me today if I would like him to give me his dog tags when I go see him. And of course I said yes. It was so adorable because the way he asked was like he was nervous I would say no. So I'm excited to be coming back with that now ^^