So my SO got the date for when he will definitely have to be gone. While we've agreed to do long distance when he leaves, he doesn't like to talk about the actually leaving and after. I have asked questions and he'll answer. But last night I told him we couldn't pretend it wasn't happening. So we started talking boundaries, and when I was going to visit (easier for me to plan with school breaks). Either way in anticipation for him leaving we've been talking about him being a better communicator when we aren't face to face. He indicated desire to make an effort, which always means he will. So today he sent me a really sweet text during his work day. While it might seem little it was huge to me. Little things like that make me feel like things are going to be okay when he does leave. Anyway, I'm lucky for the time I have now before he goes, and I am making the most of it. I am glad for all the support and understanding I have found here.