So we've done Skype and Google Hangout. My SO prefers google hangout by far. He loves Google Effects. He uses it to lighten the mood and have fun. It is a great way for him to fill the lagging spaces. Which is the hardest part for him. We try and talk on the phone every night, which has been mostly successful.

I'm not sleeping as well. I used to sleep with him. Now I am sleeping alone, less comfortably, waking up more, waking up earlier. I am in general more tired all the time. I just hate it. I don't know how to deal with that. Maybe I'll make a forum post about it. I have a good night time routine normally and go to sleep and stay asleep well. I feel like all of that is up ended now.

I'm also not as good at this as I was before. I got so used to seeing him every day I want to have something meaningful with him everyday. And while that is possible in person, it just isn't long distance to me. On a hard day when one person just wasn't feeling it, at least we could touch and be next to each other, maybe cuddle. But now it's just voice and maybe sight.

I know I shouldn't complain, and I know I am quite lucky. I have only been doing this for a few days now and I am not freaking good at it yet. I am getting better. I am hanging out with family and friends, but I don't really feel it, well my parents, I love hanging out with them. But I really just want to be hanging out with my best friend.

I hope we make it and everything goes as close to plan as possible. I need it to. I really do.

On another note, I'm eating healthier. And I've worked out 3 out of 5 days since he left, so that is pretty dern good. Now if I can just keep it up I will be smaller and more toned by the next time he sees me. And by the time we are planning to close the distance I will be as toned and fine as he is.

Thanks to anyone who reads these and responds. It really helps. Especially because when I say any of this to any of my family or friends they always default to the "well long distance doesn't work anyway so you could just end it" option. Ugh. I wish more people were open minded and understood.