I haven't been around much lately so I thought I would give an update on us.

Me and Chris are doing really well, we have managed to improve our communication skills a lot and really learned to listen to each other's needs and opinions. We still have issues every now and then, like every couple, but we are able to talk about them and try to understand things from other's point of view.

Just six months ago I was seriously depressed, anxious and spent most of my days laying in bed crying after I came back home from the university as I was unable to study anymore due to mental issues. I had repressed my emotions for so many years and suddenly they all came back to surface. I didn't have tools to deal with them as I had learned to numb my feelings in order to survive the painful things I went through in my childhood: the sexual abuse, a serious physical illness, my brother's mental illness, my dad's emotional coldness.. I finally accepted that I needed help and got it. Things started to get better from there.

Now I'm back studying, I see a therapist, spend time with friends, read, laugh like never before, enjoy my life every day. I'm forever grateful for the psychiatric who saw my pain and really cared for me, telling me I could call her anytime if I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I realized that I had to face my demons or they would continue to haunt me for the rest of my life, preventing me from building any healthy relationships. I am no longer afraid of emotions: I embrace them because I know that it's the only way to really heal. I really want to pay it forward and I hope that I can share some insight I've gained during these excrucial but amazingly rewarding months.

Chris is coming to Finland in three weeks and I will go to Hong Kong for two months in July. We have our second anniversary on 20th of June.

I hope to be more active here as I really miss this lovely community. I just needed to focus on myself for a while.

Some pictures from our recent trips to Lapland and Cheung Chau as well as us being normal on webcam..

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It was so damn cold!

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On a beach.
