So here's the update on me. I'm pretty content with life and my relationship with Wes. I'm looking to move out on my own, excited about that prospect. Seriously considering going back to school to get my Masters in psychology. Just need to kick myself into gear on the GREs. I'm also getting into touch with old friends and going out more in general. Its helping me loosen up.

Now for me and Wes, we are getting along really really well. Its surprising. It almost feels like when we first started dating and we texted constantly and talked all night. I think the difference is I'm not looking for that romantic connection. I'm just rolling with it, being myself and just having a good time talking and hanging out with him. I feel like all that bs I put him through and the stuff I put myself through is gone. I don't need to know where he is, what he's doing or who he's doing it with. Funny thing is he sorta does it anyways lol. HABIT! We actually had a laugh attack last night something we haven't had since I visited him in January. He knew I had given him a funny ringtone, "don't underestimate the power of the darkside" as spoken by darth vader. So he purposely texted me while we were on skype to hear it and we both lost it. It felt so good to laugh with him.

I don't miss the fighting, i don't miss feeling like crap bc he doesn't give me attention, I don't miss feeling like i'm the last thing on his mind. I like this friend relationship, In fact I'm loving it. It's almost weird bc he still talks to me about his serious issues, things he doesn't talk to his irl friends about. I think I'm flattered. I'm his first ex gf hes friends with and somehow i'm still his confidant. Its empowering somehow. It was during one of these talks where I felt it was appropriate to /hug him. (Its a virtual hug lol). He thanked me and I said, "sorry i used to tug on ur shirt when I used to hug you." and he said "lol, its ok...I kinda miss it" I was pretty shocked. It's the first sign that he misses me he's shown since the break up. I really do miss his hugs...n I told him. But as friends hugs are totally fair game. So he's getting one of the bear variety next time I see him.

So, don't read into this. I'm not looking to get back with him. I'm really just enjoying being friends. It gives me someone on the west coast to go visit lol! I'm still aiming for July. Oregon is pretty in July. =)