So, this my grand reappearance onto this forum! My last blog sent life into this weird stalemate. Killed my urge to date, but I held on.

So, things I've discovered in the past few months. I have more confidence in myself. Maybe because by going on dating sites, I've realized that members of the opposite sex find me attractive even if I do not. I've also lost close to 20lbs, that helps too. This confidence has kinda spurred me into wearing more form fitting clothes, make-up and bothering more with my hair. So, I feel good about myself.

Also, since February I've become a social butterfly. All my friends think so. I have always been an introvert, but suddenly I have a ton of friends and I'm talking to everyone. People I've never hung out with are inviting me out. And friends are kidnapping me on random nights lol. I don't know where it came from, its like social me just woke up one day and decided it was time to make friends. I really feel like a caterpillar who just transformed into a butterfly. People who have known me all my life are asking me where the old me went and I'm like *ell if I know.

Dating wise, I have a new boyfriend. Seriously new, a few days old now. His name is Charles. Guess its one of those dating site success stories. We met on, went on 3 dates. All in a weeks time frame. Then he ran away to Florida for a week...I was kinda bummed but he texted n called the whole week so I def feel like he was still interested. We had another date planned before he came home, I was thrilled. So, when he got back we went to the drive in and he asked me out. I really couldn't say no...he's me if I was a guy. Though I think he's far too good looking to be my bf lol. He kinda looks like Leonard from the big bang theory lol. The sheer amount we have in common is amazing. So, I'm happy in that honeymoon phase of the relationship. I kinda just wanna be around him all the time.

On another note, Wes and I are talking. Keeping in touch would be the sum of it. We send each other a text from time to time and the occasional phone call. Its nice to be in a comfortable place with him. Even better that the new bf is ok with me being friends with him and my other ex.

So, the I hate life grrr phase is over. YAY!!