Charles is sleeping, and I really should be there next to him but I can't. I'm too upset with a growing problem with him, or maybe its just an issue with me. I know i've talked to a couple of people in the LFAD chat room about certain issues he has in the bedroom. I can accept those, it may not be something he can change. But, there is something else....

My Bf is amazing, sweet and lovey and cuddly and all those mushy qualities that any girl would want in her man. He tells me he loves me lots of times a day, tells me i'm sexy, that he wants to keep me, etc. And he has me for the most part believing these things. I guess the reason I'm upset tonight is because he will tell me i'm sexy but when I try to get him turned on for sex he shoots me down bc hes "tired". Its happened a few times now and when it happens I just roll over and cry myself to sleep feeling utterly defeated. Not only that feeling completely unattractive. How can I feel attractive when I can't wake my boyfriend enough to have sex with me. Its not like I only pounce on him when he's falling asleep either, middle of the day, or watching a movie at night I get the same answer.

Am I even the woman in this relationship? Isn't i'm tired, I have a headache the girls excuse for not wanting to have sex? I know i've used those excuses myself before on other bfs, but never on him. I seem to push myself to give in to him when he wants sex bc its the only time i'm going to get it. Tonight he said, yea but we cuddle more then most couples, and I replied yea we do but we have less sex then most couples. Then I cried and got out of bed because I was just upset bc he shot me down again. I really don't know what else to do. i've tried everything, hj, bj, mf,,,,Its like OMG JUST STFU AND FUCK ME ALREADY! i'm just so frustrated and I have no issue with self gratification but i'm tired of having sex on his terms. I'm having like a rape scene play out in my head...wit my bf being the victim. Be it, that would never work bc he can overpower me far too easily. UGH!