Well, what I forgot to mention in the Eve blog was that I ended it taking advil and passing out in his pitch black room from a terrrrrible migraine. Thankfully, when we woke up the next morning it was gone. We briefly exchanged good morning hugs n kisses and I got up to use the bathroom. This meant Charles had to get up and wake up the entire house...with nerf guns...lol.

I ignored his shenangins and walked downstairs and made some coffee. Then got settled in the living room and waited for the family to congregate around the tree. Once they did so...the madness began. Not gonna lie, it was a little uncomfortable being that odd ball out that didn't have 1000 presents, but his 'Nani' made me feel better. She was like 'don't feel too bad i'm an oddball out too' Not to make it seem like I was presentless. His sister got me The Dark Knight trilogy <3 His parents got me a niiice pair of boots a 100 pairs of socks. His gramma got me a gift card for Barnes n Nobles. His brother tried...he wasn't as successful as the rest of the family. He got me a weird pair of gloves, glow bracelets and candy i'm pretty sure he stole from the kitchen lol.

Charles on the other hand, got me a Doctor Who sweatshirt, Kitten mittens, my Harley Quinn barbie, two fables graphic novels and a cute little joker figure. I got him, a T-Shirt with a playable Guitar on it, a zombie T-shirt, Ninja Turtle pants, a Deliminator replica (harry potter), and a wii gift card so he could buy Zelda: Link to the past. All and all I think we both made out well.

After we both finished I got a text from my bro, and we had to run to breakfast with my family at the diner. He...flat out refused to get out of his PJS saying, "Its Christmas morning, I'm not getting outta my pajamas for anything!" I on the other hand changed into a pair of jeans, and my new TARDIS sweatshirt and we went to breakfast. That was typical enough, I always get a bacon, egg n cheese on a hard role. Creature of habit lol. After breakfast we went to my house to do the present thing with my folks.

I think the highlight of his morning was the pack of twinkies my mom got him. Yes Twinkies...they were 'his precious'. Then again mom also got him a Twinkie making kit, so we could make more lol. I was just happy with the new camera mom got me. But i'm easy to please. OH! She also got him a frozen bag of Tatter Tots, bc for the past few months every single time my mom is on the phone, Charles goes, "TATTER TOTS!" and she laughs. Wasn't a surprise when mom pulled them outta the freezer. I think my highlight of the morning was when my mom opened her present. I got her a full sized replica of the Marauders Map from happy potter and a gorgeous display case for it. I think she sat on the floor just opening every panel for a good 10 minutes.

We stayed at my house for a few hours, watched some movies, snuggled on the couch, and showed our childish behavior to my parents who rarely get to see it. Then we ran off to see my Grandma on my dads side. It was his first introduction to her. I flat out told him, see that lady, thats what i'm gonna look like when i'm 80. He laughed of course. Gram talked our ears off for a good hour before giving us presents and sending us on our way. Now, I love my gramma, but the woman shouldn't ever buy me cloths. Bc while the vest she got me was cute, it was 4 sizes too small lol.

Finally, we ended up back at Charles house for dinner and to unwind! We cleaned his room a bit, organized the new stuff and he put up his new TV. Which I am happy to say can be seen by both of us from the top of his bed! The vest that gram gave me that didn't fit....yea his mom loved it so I told her she could have it.

Dinner was lamb and garlic potatos. Sooooo yum. Desert was left over cheesecake and the cookie platter mom sent me back there with. That platter while picked at at dinner was demolished by the stoners later that night when the kids all settled in the basement to play wii til bed. It was such a busy day! But I had a lot of fun. And we both agreed this is just the first of many ^^

BTW...the conversation my mother had with his at the eve party, was about how perfect me and Charles are for each other. Both mothers think this is the end of the dating road for me and Charles and that marriage is in our future. I'd disagree with them, but despite our minor problems, I can't see a future without him. It hurts to be apart from him right now and know he's sleeping without me and that soon I'll have to crawl into my bed alone. I can only hope the weather cooperates so I can go over there in the morning.