This is kinda just a thank you blog to a bunch of people who have posted in the forums lately. I've posted in my blogs and i've posted threads about it before too. The topic being my boyfriends low sex drive and inability to orgasm. It still iirks me that he doesn't, and its gotten worst. After reading some of the threads and responses I finally sat him down and had a full on conversation about how we could fix this problem. I didn't even really have to get into it before he started apologizing and telling me that he had cut back on masturbation significantly because he could see that his lack of finishing was bothering me, even though i wasn't saying anything. We talked about going to the local sex toy shop and buying lotion to increase his sensitivity, as well as invest in a toy for him. So in this way he can resensitize his penis to the vagina rather then the grip of his hand. I had read that keeping the penis moisturized would also help the issue, so that's another motive for the lotion. It's not "motion lotion" lol. Its specifically designed to keep the penis specifically the head moisturized, which helps bring back sensitivity. So, only time will tell if this helps. But thankfully he cares enough about me to attempt to fix this issue.

So, thank you to those people who have posted in the adult forums about this sort of thing. Its stuff I would have never thought of. And thank you for giving me the courage to get up and actually say something to him instead of hanging out unhappily and just taking it.