Weeks had passed since I was back home. Jobless, trying to readapt, reconnect, and catching up with friends and family.
The plan -for multiple reasons- was for me to start working in January '13. A big risk, as I lacked of work experience.

However, the jobless time wasn't the greatest and the readaptation/reconnecting process was harder than expected; to the point that I was feeling out of place and stuck. I was the stranger!
I tried to stick to the original plan, but I just couldn't. So, I started to seriously apply for jobs in October -3 months after my return-. This was going to be my first time job hunting in my fields of expertise.

...And well, one think and as a matter of fact, people, professors, relatives, magazines, articles, etc; tell you, that your chances of landing a good job increases when besides, your excellent performance, you speak a second and possibly a 3rd language, have international experience, a master degree -better if it is from a well known University.
I thought I had it all.
Was I wrong? The question remains unanswered. All I know is, I wasn't getting a single answer to my applications, not even a single interview.
I soon realized how hard this was going to be. I swear I'd check for jobs opportunities multiple times a day. Not just online, but on every possible place.

It was all frustrating, and depressing at times.
I had fallen into a boring routine, I started to avoid social encounters with friends/relatives; because I couldn't help it but feel like a total loser and unsuccessful. Most of my friends and former undergrad classmates were working, married, with kids. In other words: "Professionally and personally realized". I, on the other side, was back to Mama's hotel after being independent for over 4 years, jobless, with empty pockets/hands and with a boyfriend across the atlantic, 8929 Km away from me.

Almost six months passed by with no work in sight.
January finally arrived and I was determined to get a damn job, no matter what. This time, with some more flexibility - field, salary and location wise-. I was dying to get some work experience in any of my fields, I've had been for so long. Plus, I needed the money.

To not make this longer than it already is, I want to say that on January 17th, I went for a job interview(s) and Psycho technical tests at my former undergrad University.
Next day I was told they selected me and on January 21st I started to work.
It's been 4 weeks working as a chair professor. I am teaching "Architecture project I"; so yes, I work with first semester students.
That said, I have had to go back and dust off my notebooks, books and go into new ones to refresh my knowledge. Hey, I took that subject 10 years ago! Besides that, I specialized in a completely different field. All in all, a bit challenging but fun.

The funny thing is: I never thought I was going to end up teaching!
But hey: I'm back to smiling, socializing, able to save for future plans, getting some work experience, learning and exploring different fields.
I might not be making lots of money, but I'm happy and that,at the end, is what really matters.