Got back from the Capital few hours ago. I'm waiting for the BF to wake up, so we can have our morning/night conversation. I miss him!

First of all, I want to thank all of you that took the time to show some support on my last blog post. I wasn't able to reply right away because my Internet access was very limited the last few days. I read your comments and they made me feel better. Thank you!

Here's an update:

- Mom and I talked about her pains, twitchy leg and involuntary movements in some of her fingers. She told me this is not new. She has been experiencing this for some years now and she has talked to the doctors about it, they have run some tests on her and prescribed some medicines. The diagnosed was arthrosis and fibromyalgia.
Now, how come I didn't know earlier? I felt like the worst daughter ever! The things is, I lived abroad from '08-'12 and even thought during that time we kept in constant touch (Skype, phone calls, video, emails, etc), she never mentioned this to me (only about general pains, so I was always sending her things to relieve her pains). I asked her why and she said she didn't want me to worry or think the worse. I told her to please don't do that again. I reminded her that just like she has always been there for me, in the good and the bad, I will do the same for her. I told her that she is not alone and that I would do anything for her.
She agreed to go to the doctor together, for a general check. -It was not as easy as it sounds- And she also said that we will look for a person to help her around in the house and to keep her company. phew! I definitely feel much better now.

- I had the visa appointment today. I have mixed feelings and I think it didn't go as good as expected. As you some of you know, I was applying for a national visa, since I plan to take a 6 months intensive german course in Germany.
At the embassy's website, they have two options: "German courses without further studies in Germany" and "German courses with further studies in Germany", for each, you have to present certain documents. Since I don't plan to further my education in Germany - at least not at the moment-, I made sure I had all the documents they ask for in this case. I organized them in the same order they appear in the website, I had it all.. really! then guess what? The woman said: why didn't you attach your diploma? -This was a requirement that didn't apply to my case- I told her so. Then she said: "well, but they don't allow to take german courses in Germany if you are not going to further your education there", "It's not necessary to go to Germany to take german classes, that can be done in Colombia"... really? and why the heck you have the option of "German courses without further studies in Germany" on your website? Plus, if she had taken the time to read the letter I wrote -was another requirement- she could've known why I decided to take the classes in Germany and not here. But she didn't read it!

Next thing was the city I was going to live in. It's 40 minutes by train from the language school. When she saw that, she said: "That's too far away". I told her I don't think a 40 minutes train ride is that far away and people commute all the time. I am aware of it and ok with it.
Then she asked me who *SO's name* was. I told her he is a friend, that I am friends with the whole family. Then she asked: "is he your Boyfriend?" I of course said no. All in all, she said they might call me in case I need to send other documents and that they will probably ask me about the city being "so far away". I hope they call me, damn it!

My application is sent to the immigration office of the city I will live for the 6 months. Apparently they are the ones that make the final decision and let the german embassy in Bogota know, so that they can stamp the visa or not. The boyfriend says that we should not lose hope yet, but I don't know, I didn't get a good feeling.
The waiting is long -6 to 8 weeks- and I am too chicken shit to look for the answer once is time. I already gave the BF the code to check for me. I am not ready for a negative answer. It's funny because people in Colombia say that it's easier to get a german visa than an american. I got the american one without problems, also a spanish visa without problems.... and now? ;(

I feel a bit down. The BF and I have really wonderful plans and ideas for the time together. We look forward to it, we dream of it... But all that is now in 3rd parties hands. That sucks!
My fantastic and positive BF wants me to stay positive. We will probably think of a plan B now -we didn't have one because we were so sure things were going to go smoothly-. So far he said: "if the visa is denied, I will buy a ticket to come to you in December and stay for a month". I love him. He makes me so happy.

...And talking about him, the sleepyhead should be waking up soon, so I better stop typing now.

Happy weekend, everyone!!