Just few things:

- We set a date for our wedding: August 9th, 2014
- 60 people max, us included.
- Civil wedding in Colombia and wedding venue
- We read about documents we will need in order to get marry and so on.
- We talked about a budget but is yet to be decided. The money part really overwhelms me.
- I/we know nothing about wedding planning, so I have been reading a lot. We decided on a "theme" and we want to make our own wedding invites, favors and part of the decoration.

Today I feel a little sad because D says he is quite sure his friends and relatives will not make it to Colombia (except of his mom and dad). I knew that was going to happen, so it's silly I am feeling this way. I feel bad for him and then I am confused: most of the people there will be either part of my relatives or closest friends, which most of them he doesn't know(personally). So, how do we decided on the money part? I'm always trying to be fair, and even more when there is money in between. I'm probably making a storm in a glass of water and I'm here thinking how to bring this topic up.
I start thinking of how expensive the flights are, the wedding bands, the wedding venue, the photographer, what comes after the wedding: translating documents, visa application/fees, the flight back to Germany. And then I want to scream, hide somewhere or just say fuck it all, we don't need all that #%#$% to get married and celebrate.
On the other side though, I think: hey it'll be our wedding day, our special day. I will permanently move to Germany, will leave my family and friends behind. I deserve the ceremony and party I have in mind.

So yes, here I am. giving myself an unnecessary hard time.