I believe I never shared with my LFAD friends, pictures or stories of Daniel and I's travels to different cities in Colombia. By that time I was kind of a lurker, I think.

Cartagena, a city in the caribbean coast, has always been one of my favorite colombian cities. I knew I had to take Daniel there, I knew he was going to love it. And I wasn't wrong!
Cartagena is very beautiful and romantic, a magical fairytale city. And you are just about 35 minutes away -by boat- from paradisiacal and relaxing beaches/islands.

As I posted before, we decided on a date, number of guests and a budget. Finding our wedding venue was next.
We knew from the very beginning that we wanted a destination wedding, more specifically: a wedding by the beach. And since we think Cartagena makes the perfect destination for a wedding, I contacted different providers in Cartagena and we got many options, at different prices and with different stuff included.
Daniel and I created an excel file and there we were comparing 4 of the options received. We discussed Pros and Cons of each of them. He showed the options to his parents and I did the same, with mine.

After many emails, tons of questions and answers, a couple of videos and countless of pictures seen, we think we found our wedding venue!!
We will be able to hold the ceremony and the reception at the same place, but at different locations. Both with the beach as background and we are hoping mother nature give us a beautiful sunset as wedding present. :-)

Our wedding reception will be held in a colonial terrace by the beach at the naval officers club.

We checked our Cartagena pictures and it was funny to find out that without knowing, we have taken pictures of the one that will be now the place we will be getting married at. We are sure the view from there is fantastic and so will be the atmosphere we want for our reception.

Now, this is a huge risk we are taking. Choosing our wedding venue from a distance, just following our gut and trusting a wedding planner we have never met. We pictured the worst case scenarios and all, but we think everything is going to be alright -fingers crossed-. We will be closing the deal this week and then we can start working on our invitations, which were on hold because we of course needed to make a decision on a place first.

Wish us luck and let the wedding planning begin!