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My gf won't let me go on holiday with my two best friends and their family.
She's from Argentina and i'm from Australia. We met in usa did long distance, fell in love, eventually lived with her for four months in Argentina. Shes...
Living in Argentina for an extra couple months
So I'm 22 years old from Australia and about a year and half ago I did an exchange in the US and fell in love with this girl who was doing exchange too...
Argentina//America [5,199 Miles]
Herro I'm Ollie.
I'm 14 years old, freshman, and I currently live in Plymouth Wisconsin. On the other hand, the love of my life happens to be located...
California/Argentina Ski instructors
My name is Zack. I'm a 22 year old student/snowboard instructor/Beach lifeguard from Southern California. In the winters I teach...
Small Confusion with International Letter Sending
So my whole family uses Forever stamps and I never understood exactly what that would do for postage; to me it was one and send. But that was within country....
Traveling across the border and back to renew stay?
Hola guys!
Now, I know there isn't an overflow of people living in/from Argentina on this forum, but maybe there's one or two reading...
Going to Argentina - any tips? :D
So, I'll be going over to my SO in Argentina in 3 months, but I thought I'd be out looking for advice in advance It will be my first time flying over...