7 days ago I started it and I feel great!!

I keep running the same track every day - it is 2.5km!
My phone changes the distance from 2.39 to 2.65 everyday, but the average is 2.5.

So my first run on Wednesday took me 29:10!
Thursday 21:20 (I tried a different track and ran only 2km)!
Friday 25:23!
Saturday 25:12!
Sunday 24:33!
Monday 24:04!
Tuesday 23:50

Every day I finished a little bit faster than the day before and it really motivates me to try harder every day. The first couple days I was very self-conscious when there were people on the track and since it is an official trail in the woods I can't really avoid them. I stopped whenever I saw someone and would walk until they were gone, because I didn't want them to laugh at me or think I ran silly or was.. I don't know.. a loser, but over the past 6 days I got better and I don't care if people look at me weird - I am doing this for me, not them!!

Good news on the weight front : I lost about 2kg within a WEEK, how crazy is that (though I am sure some of it was water retention, since I started when I was on my period!), but that is awesome!