I don't have anything special to talk about, but I feel like blogging, so here I am!

Life is still on still stand. We are still waiting on a response to our visa and in 3 weeks we can start calling USCIS to see where we are standing. I don't expect to be back in America earlier than October, but who knows, we will see. Gotta be patient.

We finished editing Stephen's first book and sent in the first chapter to an agent 2 weeks ago. So far she hasn't responded, but it did say it could take a couple weeks and judging by her twitter account, she is probably on vacation right now. I noticed, and he did too, that we don't have that much time missing each other while we are busy, which of course is normal and nothing extraordinary. From Easter on we have been working on Book 1 every single day with 3(!) days off, which meant 2 and a half months of constantly refining and editing this piece of art. Then we stopped for two weeks to give ourselves a break and give him some time to think about the second book - and we both started to feel the loneliness creep up. It's been tough to motivate myself to do anything. I have been tired all day, been taking naps all day and can't bring myself to even get up. Usually my depression goes along with awful thoughts and the feeling of not belonging anywhere, but right now I am not unhappy. I miss him terribly and I wish I could be with him, but our relationship is on a constant high with few to no problems, my life at home is peaceful and friendly and everything else is working out as well, so I really think it is just the loneliness making me feel depressed. We're both fighting this feeling by trying to stay active and spending time with people, but what we both really want to do is just sit on the couch together and watch a show or movie, cuddle and not do anything else. I play a little bit of Age of Empires III with a friend of his and his enthusiasm towards this game makes me smile, guess spending time with other people is helping though.
One good thing though is: today Stephen is going to start to work on the second book! This time we will take it much slower as we don't have to be done by a certain deadline that he sets for himself, because we still have to wait for the agent. I have a good feeling about it though and I hope she likes it.

Now something completely random that I want to rant about:
My gaming community is going through a phase of change. I have been with them for 4 years now and I have always tried my best to follow the rules and make people feel welcome. There has been another lady that has been the same rank as me and she did an awful job at it. Hate to say it, but she did. No one wanted to listen to me, but when it was too late, suddenly everyone was appalled by it. She broke rules, made her own and did whatever she wanted, because she was one step from the highest rank and was able to do so. I I tried to stay calm and teach her, since she has only been here for a year.
If there is one thing I hate, it is calling me out on my mistakes on the forums. It is disrespectful and there is no reason to ridicule me for everyone to see. My English is not perfect and sometimes I make mistakes when spelling a word, so when she had to quote my post and put in font size 200 (...) that it is spelled differently, I told her that this is bullshit and she should stop doing so. She cut back on it and we got along fine, until I tried talking to her about randomly banning people. It is wrong and should not be happening, but she did anyways. She got mad at me and left, came back the next day and left 2 days later. She is making me out to be the villain here and is making other people leave as well. I told her multiple times to stay out of drama and not create new ones, but she did it anyways and I am sick of it. Own up to your mistakes and stop making me pay for them.
The more people leave, the more things I will have to take care of and it is annoying. I am already doing everyone's job and I am tired of having to do more and more. I am not even blaming her for her mistakes, because she learned to deal with problems from someone who deals with them wrongly, but this person is untouchable and knows it. *sigh*
I guess I just wanted to get this out so I can start being more positive towards it. The whole community is not like it used to be, but I am glad to have gotten rid of a person who was only causing problems!