Well title pretty much says it all. My SO and I were talking today and I again brought up the fact that I miss him and want to see him soon, the answer I got was...."wait till you graduate." well thats in a year and four months, I honestly can't wait that long every week he isn't here it gets harder.

Another reason I'm so upset about having to wait a little over a year, the first time he visited I was worried about how much I'd miss him when he left so he pinky promised me that he'd visit again before I graduate. Now I know what you're probably thinking, pinky promise? thats just stupid. But to me thats the only form of a promise I truely accept, too many regular promises have been broken and he knew how I felt about pinky promises. So why is it that he's breaking it? He promised me that I'd seen him sooner than that, I'd like to believe he just forgot about it, but I'm too afraid to remind him, I feel like I'm nagging him every time I bring up him visiting. He just doesn't seem interested anymore and that truely hurts....